Jujutsu Kaisen, renowned for its serialization in Shueisha’s 'Weekly Shonen Jump', is set to launch its first console game! In this dynamic 2 vs. 2 action game, strive to reach new peaks by mastering the 'Cursed Techniques' of over 15 potent Jujutsu Sorcerers and Cursed Spirits! Select your partner and develop unique combinations that not only suit your play style, but also exhibit the diverse cursed techniques each character wields. Enhance your cursed techniques via thrilling battles, overcome your adversaries, and perhaps even achieve... domain expansion...?!
Release Date February 2, 2024
Genre Action Fighting Beat-em-up
Publisher & Developer Bandai Namco
System Nintendo Switch
Image format XCI
Game version 1.0.1
Language English Japanese
Required firmware 17.0.0